Codebase Odbc Driver

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Dec 21, 2014. 32-Bit ODBC driver to Codebase.DBF file based database, #7303 DSN architecture mismatch between the driver and. 32-Bit Simba ODBC driver.

» Document information Document ID: 781 Subject: List of ODBC drivers and vendors Creation date: 7/29/09 3:26 PM Last modified on: 7/29/09 3:28 PM Details Following is a list of different vendors who supply ODBC drivers. Simba also provides an SDK to build a custom ODBC driver - you can build a basic ODBC or JDBC driver in 5 days - Add a comment to this document Do you have a helpful tip related to this document that you'd like to share with other users? Please add it below. Your name and tip will appear at the end of the document text. Your name: Your email: Hide my email address Verification code: Enter the verification code you see above more submitting your tip Tip: Please limit tips to 1000 characters.

Last Modified: 08 Jul 15 Article Summary: With AXIS 11.3, you can choose CodeBase database formats for use with Import/export databases in AXIS. If you need to view or work with a CodeBase format Import/export database from outside AXIS, here is some useful information about the file structure of the CodeBase database, and the steps necessary to access these files from common third-party applications. Article Detail: NOTE: While export to CodeBase format is still supported in AXIS, GGY no longer recommends using this format as a source or target for import/export.

The main reason for this announcement is absence of the support for CodeBase ODBC driver from a maker of the CodeBase database engine, making the database files difficult to use outside of AXIS. In summer/autumn 2015 GGY will introduce new option for the Database Link object to target SQL Server 2012 LocalDB databases to allow exporting to files as portable as MS Access MDB but with much higher capacity. Starting with AXIS version 11.3, the CodeBase database engine is being used to support a new import/export database file format. This highly scalable, high-performance database engine is an excellent alternative to the existing Import/export Database formats - Microsoft Access (MDB) and SQL Server.

Codebase Odbc Driver

The two major advantages of CodeBase are its unlimited file size and its ability to support up to 2046 columns in each table, which make this an excellent choice of database for the storage of larger exports. In AXIS 11.3, new built-in import/export database Viewer and Query tools support the direct manipulation of files in CodeBase format, and no special steps are required by the AXIS user other than the one-time installation of the required library files, which includes the CodeBase SQL ODBC driver. While the AXIS Import/export database includes tools to send tables in the database out to various file formats as may be required by third party applications, it is sometimes useful to view or manipulate the Import/export database files directly. This should only be attempted by advanced users with caution if changes are to be made to the Import/export database in anticipation of using the changed data in AXIS, since AXIS requires specific tables to be present in the Import/export database in order to be usable by AXIS. File structures in a CodeBase database An Import/export database created in CodeBase format will look different than one created in the default Microsoft Access format. In the case of an Access format (MDB format), you will only see a single file in the directory selected for the Import/export database, which AXIS always names impexp.mdb.

Odbc Driver Microsoft

  • You also won't need to invest in a JDBC-ODBC driver because CodeBase is your. You will find that CodeBase 6 is a great database management library to help you.
  • The main reason for this announcement is absence of the support for CodeBase ODBC driver from a maker of the CodeBase database engine.

All the exported tables stored by the user, and the other information necessary to use the database as an Import/export database are found in the tables stored inside that file. If you open the impexp.mdb file with Microsoft Access, you will see all those tables, and can manipulate or export them using Access commands. In the case of CodeBase, the role of the database is played by the target folder itself, and each exported table occupies its own file or files. The main data will be found in a file with the name assigned by the user, and the.dbf extension. Other files with extensions.fpt and.cdx may be used for memo fields and index data).

While it looks like standard Dbf files are being used, which can be read by some other applications such as FoxPro and dBase, CodeBase in fact uses an enhanced Dbf file with ability to:. have up to 2046 columns in the table (standard Dbf= 255). be up to 8,000,000,000 GB+ in size (standard Dbf = 2 GB).

have long field names - up to 256 char, no spaces though (standard Dbf = 10 char) So if you use any of these features above, you will need the CodeBase SQL ODBC driver to access these files. Using CodeBase format files in third party applications To access CodeBase format files from external applications, you must use an ODBC connection through the CodeBase SQL driver CodeBaseOdbcStand (which is a mandatory library component for AXIS 11.3 installation). To open files in the CodeBase format located in the specific folder used for the CodeBase import/export database (e.g. C: Spare ImpExpCB) you need to do the following: 1. Open the 'Data Sources (ODBC)' management dialogue from the Windows Control Panel / Administrative Tools folder. Select the 'User DSN' tab and click the Add button to add a new User Data Source. Select 'CodeBaseOdbcStand driver' in the 'Create New Data Source' wizard dialog as shown below and click on the 'Finish' button.

You may create a System DSN, if you wish, instead of the User DSN. Complete the 'CodeBase ODBC Setup' form which then opens, as follows: a) In the Data Source Name field, type a unique name which will be used for connection to this 'Data Source' from MS ACCESS (or other applications). B) In the Data Directory field, type the directory you wish to access directly (e.g. C: Spare ImpExpCB). C) Select the remaining options as shown in the screen image below.

Additional System Data Sources, based on the CodeBaseOdbcStand driver, can be created as necessary to point to other Codebase databases located in different folders. Each new Data Source should have unique Data Source Name. You may use different Data Sources to allow opening CodeBase files from different locations in the same application. By default, CodeBase ODBC driver exposes the first 255 columns of data in a CodeBase table. If your application supports more columns and you need to access the CodeBase table columns above 255, follow these steps:.

Open Microsoft Registry Editor. If the data source that requires greater than 255 column support is a user DSN, open HKEYCURRENTUSER. Otherwise, if it is a system DSN, open HKEYLOCALMACHINE.

Open HKEYxxxxx Software ODBC ODBC.INI, where is the name of the data source that requires greater than 255 column support. Add a new string value called MaxColSupport, and assign it a number no greater than the limits given for column support in the CodeBase ODBC help file (2046).

Note: Modifying Data Sources in the ODBC Data Source Administrator, as described above, requires administrator rights on your PC. How to view CodeBase data table in MS ACCESS Launch MS ACCESS and open an existing (or new) database. To add one or more tables of data from the CodeBase import/export database to this Access database: a) Right Click on the Database form icon and select the option 'Link Tables' from the popup action menu. B) Select 'ODBC Databases' from the drop down list in the 'File of type' field at the bottom of the Link dialog box. C) Select the name of your 'Data Source' (as entered in Step 2(a) previously) on the Select Data Source dialog box and then select one or more of the CodeBase import/export database tables from the list shown in the Link Table dialog box (using File Data Source or Machine Data Source tab, as appropriate) Now these CodeBase Tables will appear as part of the MS ACCESS database, and can be viewed, used as query sources, and also updated. (Only the first 255 fields of any table will be accessible in this way).

Note that you are directly operating on the Import/export database tables, not on copies of them, so any update action should be taken with caution and consideration of the possible impact on the data.