Grandia 1 For Pc

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Find great deals on eBay for grandia pc. Shop with confidence. Grandia III on PC would be nice, but unless Square says so. Grandia® II Anniversary Edition HD Project by me 4 Fix to stuttering 1.

Played by: RickyC Had this game on the dreamcast but never finished so thought i'd record the PC version. I'm getting a few bugs in the game that mainly occur near the start. Music sometimes cuts out, certain in battle fmv don't fully show and sometimes the graphics pause for awhile. The story fmvs are low quality compared to the gameplay parts since the files are low resolution. I cut most of the battles out, except at the start of the video where I forgot. Not completed yet so I dont know when this will all be up.

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When released for Saturn in Japan, many believed it to be the pinnacle of traditional role-playing for, the small company responsible for the likes of the Lunar series. With its colorful, massive world and irrepressible personality, the game never saw the light of US day with the death of Saturn. But now, the situation has changed. With a jump to PlayStation and Sony at the translation helm, US gamers have the chance to try their hand at what is considered to be one of the best RPGs to hit home in the past five years.

Grandia 1 For Pc

And what an adventure the game has turned out to be. Spread across two discs and featuring some of the biggest and most detailed environments ever seen in a role-playing title, never fails to amaze, both visually and content-wise. But it's not without its flaws. Story With a seemingly unassuming and simplistic beginning premise, the game opens on a bustling metropolis filled with townspeople and merchants going about their daily routines. As the camera closes in, we're introduced to a pair of childhood friends, Jessie and Sue. Mischievous and full of wonder, Jessie is the son of a great adventurer who dreams of one day following in his father's footsteps. Sue, his next door neighbor, never leaves Jessie's side and together, the two have big plans for seeing the world at all costs.

And the first half of the game follows much in the same stead, with simplistic overtures within the story to really build up a connection between the player and the characters. There's no huge life-changing event, no heartbreaking tragedy - instead, you're given well-rounded characterizations of both Jessie and Sue, as well as the numerous characters they interact with. And as the game goes on, the pair's adventure grows bigger and bigger, spreading across multiple continents and delving deeper into darker subject matters, without ever feeling as overwrought with melodrama as games like Suikoden II or Final Fantasy VIII. Treads the line between being an epic adventure and a lighthearted romp through rather well-worn role-playing cliches. But thanks to ' memorable characters and the game's seemingly boundless charm, the story never feels trite or shallow.

Just like its graphics, Grandia manages to be incredibly detailed and deep, while remaining cheerful and pleasant. Definitely a very difficult task to carry off well. Graphics One of the first of its kind, visually, when it released for Saturn, Grandia still carries its impressive weight well in graphics.

Populated by highly detailed sprite characters roaming a 3D polygonal landscape, resulting in a look that resembles games like Breath of Fire III or Xenogears. But the biggest difference between Grandia and the aforementioned titles is the degree of detail. From the rattling 'coffee pots' that litter Sue's bedroom to the rubble that tumbles down across dungeon walls, every environment in Grandia really springs to life - giving you a true sense of immersion within the game's universe. The characters themselves are delightfully expressive, with only occasional moments of pixelation. And everything is sharp, colorful, and massive in scope, with towns and cities literally sprawling across multiple screens. There are only a few blots on Grandia's otherwise spotless visual record, and it's something that most gamers will have experienced before - inconsistent framerate. With such a high level of detail in Grandia's towns and dungeons, you'll find the game slowing to a crawl in the particularly 'graphics intense' areas.

In addition, it should be noted that some of the dungeon designs in Grandia feel somewhat uninspired; particularly the more 'organic' mazes as opposed to the futuristic ones. With bland textures and some mighty boring layouts - you'll find yourself clawing your way out of the dungeons just to escape the utter malaise they bring on. But every once in awhile, you'll find that some of the mazes are particularly cool (like the Ghost Ship or the Gaia area) and clever. Gameplay Much like Game Arts' Lunar titles, Grandia is also a very traditional RPG. But the most telling features of the game are its battle engine and magic system, which provide a few tweaks to the standards set in game before.

With visible enemies and items on dungeon maps, Grandia does away with the usual random battles. Depending upon your level and how you approach monsters, you can determine whether you'll be ambushed or whether you'll have the advantage going in. If you're attacked from behind, you'll have a greatly decreased time gauge in which to attack, usually giving the enemy the first round.

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It's a clever twist, most similar to THQ's Granstream Saga in concept and it works well with the battle system, itself. In combat, the game feels as turn-based as they come in RPGs, but in fact fighting utilizes a time gauge (a la Final Fantasy) in order to determine who or what will attack next. When one of your party is up for an attack, you must enter in the command, then watch and see if they are able to carry it out depending on their distance from the enemy and the time they have to do it. As inventive as the system sounds, it doesn't really lend a whole lot to the game, itself.

But this isn't to say that the battle engine is necessarily flawed - it just doesn't make a huge leap from any of the other slew of RPGs in terms of really representing a real-time feel. Most players won't mind a bit. Grandia's magic and skills system is a little more distinct with both innate abilities given to each characters as well as some available for purchase using items called Mana Eggs. Both skills and magic can be 'leveled up' in order to gain strength, and enhanced forms of magic. Each time you win a battle, you'll be awarded points for experience (for character levels) in addition to skill points that are then distributed to the skills or spells you've used in battle. This is the only real way to increase each spell or skill's strength - by using them in battle over and over. The system is unique in that you're able to customize each member of your party, but makes it very difficult to create a well-rounded fighter in the traditional sense.

But overall, you'll most likely find that Grandia gives you an increased sense of control over how each character fights by being able to manage their abilities, individually. Very cool, indeed. Sound The use of sound is especially important in Grandia due to the massive amount of spoken dialogue that takes place between characters. While the actual soundtrack is impressive in scope, ranging from the whimsical tunes heard in towns to the dynamic tracks played through battles and other areas of the game, it's the speech that leaves much to be desired. Nearly all of the characters seem to deliver their lines in deadpan tones that never quite suit their personalities.

Most of the chatter comes across as amateur voice 'talent' mugging their way through a flat high school drama script. And while this may come as no surprise, seeing as most US gamers have had to bear more than lackluster voice tracks in nearly all American games, it's somewhat of a chore to have to sit through the volume of them found in Grandia. There's a lot of talking and chatting that goes on, and there's no way to turn it off or speed it up. It's a shame that the quirky female trio of Nana, Saki and Mio sound more like bad high school dramatists, while Mullen's deep, brooding persona ends up being reduced to a rather sleepy rendition of 'the big villian' voice. It's too bad. But, it's bearable in the face of an otherwise impressive game. With all of its strengths, it won't be hard to overlook the goofy voices in Grandia.

The Verdict As a huge fan of the Lunar series and as one of the gamers most sorely disappointed that previously had no hope of ending up in English, I was ecstatic when Sony made the announcement about the game earlier this year. But I was a little leery about how they would end up treating it, seeing how they didn't exactly put much heart into games like Star Ocean The Second Story or Legend of Legaia. But whether it was Game Arts' original script or Sony's commitment to the genre, I don't know - Grandia survived the journey across the ocean pretty much intact. Jessie and the gang are all thoughtfully scripted, with plenty of punch and personality. The only real beef that I could possibly muster against the translation is the 'watering down' of some of the content to supposedly please the censors. It was totally unnecessary. But in this case, only real hard-nosed RPG purists will really bat an eyelash at the changes - the storyline is never really affected by them and thus, they're merely cosmetic.

But for those who played through the original, you'll probably be able to spot the discrepancies with a red marker. As with most of the Game Arts' titles, Grandia doesn't opt for grandiose (despite the title) effects or uber-fantastic events to draw gamers in. Instead, this is a game that relies more on characters to tell the story and it does it incredibly well. While some gamers may flinch at the overly simplistic tones and themes that play out through the first half of the game, you'd be selling the game short if you didn't push through and see the game to conclusion.

There are some plot twists to be found and a few rather dark moments to discover later in the game that really test the characterizations in Grandia. And it's the characters that you'll remember for a long time, and that, in my opinion, is always the mark of a great RPG. What a great year for us, fans. 9 Presentation Great presentation and a relatively low rate of problematic menus.

9 Graphics Old school but wonderful. Despite being ported from Saturn's very different engine it look relatively unscathed. 7.5 Sound Voice talent is not the phrase to use for this set of drama drop out voice amatuers. But at least the music (all of it) is good.

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8.5 Gameplay Can't touch or beat it. 7 Lasting Appeal It's a huge game with tons of initial gameplay value. Going back could be a chore if you didn't absolutely love it the first time around.