Swiftshader Software 3d

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Thank you for downloading this demonstration release of the SwiftShader Software GPU Toolkit, TransGaming's high-speed pure-software 3D renderer. Swift shader 3 0 free download - Swift 3D, Doom 3 Cel Shader mod, Swift 3D, and many more programs.

I never really understood this attitude.is this news for nerds? You bet.I'm pretty interested when the #1 windows gaming emulation environment has a new product. There is a fine line between an ad an something that is news.it is all about targeting. That is why people that hate advertising (like me) don't mind Google adwords and posts like this. At least Gav didn't post as AC.there was nothing really dishonest about this post. Besides, anyone could have submitted a Transgaming-related post.take slashdot.org from last year.was that an ad?

Because if so, I want some payment! Here's the meat of the article for those who can't be bothered. Vertex Shader 1.1 Support. Pixel Shader 1.4 Support. DirectX 9.0 class features. Faster than Microsoft's reference rasterizer.

Available for Windows. Available for Linux under Cedega TransGaming's SwiftShader technology provides the world's fastest pure software 3D renderer with DirectX 9.0 class features, according to the company, including support for Pixel and Vertex Shaders.

SwiftShader is built to provide the same APIs that developers are already using for their games and applications. This makes it possible to directly integrate SwiftShader into applications without any changes to source code. Direct3D 8 and Direct3D 9 compatible APIs are available immediately, and OpenGL-compatible APIs are also under development. Vertex Shader 1.1 and Pixel Shader 1.4 features are currently supported, along with the majority of features used by most developers when producing 3D games and applications. SwiftShader can perform over 50 times faster than Microsoft's Direct3D Reference Rasterizer in tests with sample applications, and can rival the performance of low end hardware 3D graphics solutions in some cases.

SwiftShader achieves this unprecedented level of performance by dynamically compiling highly optimized code specific to an applications 3D rendering needs. SwiftShader is currently available for x86 CPUs with Intel's SSE multimedia instruction set extensions. SwiftShader runs on Microsoft Windows 98 and higher, and on Linux through TransGaming's Cedega portability technology. I'm guessing no, because I don't think it's possible to do it with any performance.

Think of it like this - you have a texture in graphics memory and you want to pixel shade it - you have to copy the texture to main memory, do the pixel shading in software, then recopy the texture back into graphics memory. If you're thinking pixel shade in software and then copy to memory, how do you know you can do that operation first? Bump mapping, for example, shifts the pixels of the texture and if you pixel shade. OpenGL already does that. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to detect functionality that is supported in hardware apart from manually profiling the GL driver. As a result, you get software fallbacks in many cases where you just wouldn't have bothered rendering had you known it'd be in software.

User configuration options can mitigate this somewhat. The crux of the problem is the OpenGL ideal - that a hardware accelerated OpenGL application and a software rendered one will be identical in the. Vertex shaders, sure. In fact, DirectX does just that. If you lack hardware vertex shaders, DirectX will happily do them in software. It's not as fast, of course, since it hits your CPU, but it works. However other things can't be done, at least not yeat.

Swiftshader Software 3d

Pixel shaders would be an example. They are later in the chain, after the graphics card has done it's work, even if it's a simple one. So that either requires doing it all in software, or sending data from the graphics card back to the CPU, doing more work. 'Faster than Microsoft's reference rasterizer' isn't saying a whole lot - even if it's 50 times faster.

It's called a reference rasterizer for a reason - it's not meant to actually be used in final products, it's just so you can see everything that DX supports. It's unusably slow. I honestly don't see the use for a pure software renderer. We have DirectX and OpenGL, which make compatibility with different video cards pretty easy. I don't think there are a lot of video cards out there at this point that do. Also I can report that when they say it is as fast as low-end 3D cards, by low-end they mean the original Voodoo 1.

I tried it with UT2004, one of the reccommended games according to the readme. UT2004 in DX9 mode crashed right away. DX8 mode ran, but with series issues and low performance. I left the INI file at the default settings, except for the two settings they reccommended for UT2004. I left UT2004 on the quality settings I have on my machine, which is 'normal' and 'low' for all graphical settings.

Isn't this somewhat like how directx started out? Now if this thing can automatically off-load any processing on the built-in GPU and still keep up its performance, then this could be the beginning of cross platform 3D gaming which would mean the beginning of a widespread move to Linux. I think we should christen this the Decade of Linux. Things have come very far from where they were in 2000 - Linux is now being shipped on OEM machines.

I think its safe to say that by 2010, Linux gaming will be a reality an. If this can do what it's boasting it will certainly come in handy for Graphic heavy desktop environments such as the Aero Glass Theme Windows Vista is using. If a Linux GUI (ho ho ho) can provide an experience as rich as Aqua or Aero and base it on this software rendering it could make leaps and bounds on the desktop as more savvy system admins decline to purchase the latest gaming card so they can run Vista. Obviously I realise that a lot more is needed before desktop Linux taxes off, but if someone could capitalise on this we could have a decent GUI utilised without pissing all over Linux's reputation for not taxing hardware too heavily. (Personally I prefer an understated GUI which uses no resources, but obviously there is a market for eye candy.). A: Admins don't care about Aero Glass, the Windows 2000 UI will do just fine for Vista installs.

B: This is only usefull for runing Aero Glass if the only thing you are running is Aero Glass. Real work will have to take a back seat while this is grinding through the glorious shading of your progress bar. C: This totally misses the point of what Aero is for.

Getting the UI grunt work off of the CPU and onto the video card. This is a neat trick, and possibly usefull for some very specific purposes such as foolproof DX9.0 rendering in Linux reguardless of the state of device drivers.

Hardware review sites could get some milage out of this. Especially when they need to know what a game/benchmark is doing in certain situations and image quality comparisons. I realize that I'm just a humble AC, but let me say this: I'm not certain I understand the point here. Casual gamers are exactly that, casual. They're more interested in online play like Java Applets or MIDP Applications for phones than they are in Gee Whiz Bang games that they must install to their computers. So from that perspective, I really don't understand what market TransGaming plans to attack with this new software. Even if we assume that casual gamers are looking to install games onto their computers, it's hard to say that such gamers wouldn't have at least a basic 3D card to play games on.

Even the Intel Integrated Graphics (about as bad as you can get) has decent 3D support. Are the Gee Whiz features of DX9 really all that important to these players? (Do we REALLY need aliens with realistic fur that whips in the wind as they make their slow approach toward the ground?) If high-end graphics can be done entirely in software on a reasonably current machine WITHOUT having to spend hundreds on a separate board, software sales increase significantly. Personally, I use a notebook computer - not expandable in the graphics department. Ultraportability has priority over graphics for me. I would like to play recent games, but can't because they're made specificall.

One thing this might be able to do is to offer features like pixel and vertex shaders that might be missing from lower-end hardware. It'll probably be useless for playing Quake4, but it might be useful for some applications. Having said this, if they are trying to sell this directly to customers, they will fall flat on their face. People aren't used to paying for drivers (in this case, drivers for virtual hardware). If it's as fast as they say it is, they should try to sell this technology to Microsoft. Oh, I presume that the demos are very much faster than 50x the REF, but again people should not be saying 'the only other alternative for Direct3D 8/9 emulation' because first, you are not allowed to redistribute the reference rasterizer with a product because it is part of the DirectX SDK not the redistributables package for DX8 or DX9, second, there IS another DirectX 9 compatible API for software rendering and it is fantastically fast and feature rich, it's called Pixomatic: radgametools.com. Consider that many linux users do not have full power drivers for their video card.

Swiftshader 2.01 Download

Consider that creating a software rendering engine which can be put in place of DirectX means that's one less barrier to Linux gaming. Consider one of the goals of the company is to release linux compatable games for other developers. Seems like the point is 'Hey! We can make your game work in Linux with little effort! Why not contract with us to make your game Linux compatable and we'll deliver the geek market to y. More important than everything other repliers to you have listed, THE BEST reason to have a 'fast' Direct3D emulator in software is because the REF driver is slow.

Software 3d Animation

The REF (or 'Reference') driver for Direct3D is a purely software implementation of D3D that supports every possible feature even if your 3D card doesn't. This allows people to debug, or experience things that they just wouldn't have been able to do in hardware; and its 50 times faster than the REF driver. This, of course, assumes that the software. Sure, it.may. be faster than other software rendering solutions, but it still only approaches (that's such a broad term) the performance of low-end cards: 'can rival the performance of low end hardware 3D graphics solutions in some cases.' Sounds pretty iffy to me. It'll be good in some cases; however, as it is, I doubt it will replace dedicated hardware cards for many people (it's not like low-end cards are very expensive.

You can find decent (albeit older) graphics cards for under $20. I'm not saying this technology isn't useful, it just has limited application in its current state. I agree it doesn't seem all that great for games, not encompassing a market that is of any size. (Wants a game to do 3d, but doesnt have a card that supports even basic GTA3 quality graphics.) But, what if the target market was software rendering of 3d stuff for the OS. Like the '3d interface' for the new version of Windows for example.

Imagine how valuable having a decent fallback for lower end systems without fancy video cards (i.e. Like most big brands) would be to Microsoft? Windows installs with the 3d. Believe it or not, but integrated graphics hold the lion's share of the PC graphics market. Nvidia and Ati are both pretty far behind Intel in terms of install base.

This could be very bad for the other vendors: the main reason for the popularity of integrated graphics is cost - Intel itself only holds about a $5 premium on gfx-enabled chipsets over discrete chipsets. What happens when Microsoft licenses this tech and integrates it into Windows? Suddenly, all anyone needs is a RAMDAC to output framebuffer to VGA, so Intel doesn't need to develop GPUs anymore, and overnight gets a massive performance boost and full DX9 support. ' Suddenly, all anyone needs is a RAMDAC to output framebuffer to VGA' I've been wanting to write an article or blog about that for a while now. With DVI digital you don't even need a DAC, just a bit of hardware to transfer data from RAM to the DVI connector with the right timing. Even better for Intel/AMD is that this provides an excellent use for dual cores.

Most software won't use a second core, but you could use it as a GPU substitute by writing something like this. Dual cores for lower cost systems;-).

Actually shaders as used on graphics hardware and the dynamically generated code used by SwiftShader share a lot of resemblance. The biggest difference is that the GPU is designed specifically to run shader code, while to make it run on the CPU we need to translate it to MMX and SSE instructions. The GPU also has many more pipelines and dedicated texture samplers. Other than that there's a convergence in technology as graphics hardware gets more programmable and reuses the same units for different threads (. The site is /.' D, so I can't rtfa.

Swiftshader is based on the sw-shader project, which produced very good quality output very quickly using SoftWire to compile the rasterizers. A lot of other software 3D implementations only optimize the most common cases and fall back on very slow, general purpose rasterizers to do the rest, often using giant switch statements or function pointers in their innermost loops to handle the countless combinations of blending, lighting, and raster options available. Even precompiling them all with a generator script or clever use of macros is infeasable due to the number of combinations, and just one of those will slow any 3D rendering to a crawl, which is the problem that sw-shader solved, by optimizing all cases. What's good is that the project is once again under active development, and it's no longer windows-only. The downside is that it's gone commercial. With so few contributors other than the original author, that sort of thing can happen to an OSS project.

He put a lot of hard work into it though, writing a substantially complete DirectX 9 replacement based on his library. Transgaming actually had to purchase two projects for this, because sw-shader depends on SoftWire. Ok, I read the page and the commentary already posted on /. And I'm still confused. Who is the target market for this product?

It is a software renderer. Might be faster than Mesa but is still going to run like a dog for any real world use. After all, just how many people have flaming P4s or A64s and a 2D only framebuffer? I suspect a Radeon 9200 with the 3d support in x.org would outperform this product. Since the answer to the first question is almost certainly going to describe a fairly small g. I wonder if this is possibly a take off of an open source project called swShader (its on source forge.) I've had some contact with the author of swShader, Nicholas Cappens(spelling likely incorrect), we discussed the unique approach he has taken to polygon filling/texturing. SwShader also has DX 8 & 9 interfaces and a dll which could stand in to interface with regular DirectX games.

While its an interesting piece of work, I hate to see when an OSS project, particularly one with one primary author(the o. OpenGL is an API, which programmers use to describe a set of graphics primatives. SwiftShader is a renderer, which draws things. You would, in fact, program your code in Direct3D or OpenGL, and then use SwiftShader as the renderer, the same way today you would program in Direct3D or OpenGL, and then use your ATI X800 as the renderer. They even mention, in the article, that 'OpenGL-compatible APIs are also under development'.

The only difference is that, compared to an ATI X800, SwiftShader will be very slow, and compared to the SuperImageCrazyMagic 9000 VGA graphics card in my crappy laptop, SwiftShader will be quite fast.

SwiftShader software GPU toolkit is the first class general purpose good software with 3D rendering technology.This software helps you while playing 3D games with ease in a slow desktop system. It features excellent graphics, gameplay and other stuff like that.

SwiftShader 3.0 supports multiple application programming interfaces including DirectX 9.0 and OpenGL ES 2.0. So that it is capable of helping a user out when playing games on a slow system.

The new version of this app is becoming most famous and used by billions of peoples, and user thumbs up this software for appreciation. This program is based on much advanced, enhanced and many new features and tools that help users to play HD (High Definition) games on their Computer system quickly. It is a comprehensive program that permits a user to play massive games on a slow computer.

It is now counted one of the world’s flexible, fastest and famous application available in the market that provides its users with 3D technology. SwiftShader registration key is also available with its setup alike. The program features multi-core rendering thus it is suitable for all kinds of apps available. It provides their users with complex and high pixel and vertex and also permits you to play or view games with great graphics. Swift Shader New version is an excellent one for developers and integrators too as it helps them to add advanced 3D (Dimensional) graphics to server based system, virtualized and mobile devices.

How to Download and Install: There are very few simple steps to download and install it to your computer system and enjoy games as you like. Download SwiftShader from the link below. After downloading open download folder. Install.exe setup. Hit on “Next” button twice after accepting terms and conditions of SwiftShader full version. During installation paste the registration key. The registration key is also available with a setup.

Download the free version and keep sharing to your loved ones. SwiftShader We always want to play computer games that have amazing graphics so that we have a fantastic time at it, however for most games you need to have a Graphics Card installed for this to happen. Graphics cards are usually so expensive, and most people cannot afford them so they end up playing games in 2D. This might be a thing of the past with the introduction of the SwiftShader which is a software rendering program that allows the use of 3D graphics while playing your PC games and using applications.It is the worlds’ fastest 3D renderer that has the DirectX 9.0 class features that supports Pixel and Vertex Shaders.

You can integrate it with applications, and there will be no changes to the source code since it has the same APIs found in most games and applications. This software also has a majority of features that are used to produce 3D games and requests such as Direct3D 8 and Direct3D 9. It performs faster than other 3D graphics hardware because it compiles highly optimized code specific 3D rendering needs of an application or game. It is available on Windows and allows you even to use blacklisted GPUs’. Key Features. It makes your PC enhance its speed when playing massive games.

You can play games in HD without needing a graphics card. It integrates directly with your applications to make them work faster. It supports programming interfaces of applications and custom front end APIs.

It has advanced shaders, the Pixel, and Vertex Shaders. It allows you to specify the number of threads you will use at ago. It can use multiple CPUs that accelerate the rendering software. It offers you with floating point rendering. It is the fastest rendering software in the world.

It improves the graphics of a game, therefore, giving you smooth gameplay. It supports multicore rendering.

Therefore, it can work with any application. Pros and Cons. Its advantages include:. The joy of playing a game in HD without needing to install a graphics card gives you the ultimate game experience. It makes your PC function faster especially when you are playing a massive game, therefore no more hanging off your PC when playing that game you like.

The fact that it can work with any application and game is worth having it on your PC. Its disadvantages include:. There are no mobile versions of this software which is an utter shame since most people play mobile games and could use such high graphics on them. Most Common Users. This application name as SwiftShader is for gamers who want that out of the world experience when enjoying their best game since its features enable you to have 3D graphics and also makes your gameplay seamless and fast without the usual computer hanging or slowing down. Authors’ Note: this is a software that you as a gamer cannot dare miss on your PC if you want the highest graphics view of your game without paying an arm and a leg for it, it is a sure guarantee of you enjoying the game you are playing.