Drz 400 Kick Starter Install

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Don't be stranded! This kick starter kit works on the DRZ400S and DRZ400SM. Installs easily with included instructions.

This is one of the best realiaility modifications you can do to the DRZ400. Stock, the DRZ400 does not have a kick starter and this is something some people never feel comfortable with. This is “How to install a kick starter guide” for the DR-Z400.

How to install a kick starter on the DR-Z400 Credit to Mr-Cob at ADVrider for this guide. This is one of the best reliability modifications you can do to the DRZ400. Stock, the DRZ400 does not have a kick starter and this is something some people never feel comfortable with.

With this Guide on how to install a kick starter on a DRZ400 you’ll have no problem making the DRZ400 mod! The Kick Starter Kit, that is sold by Suzuki lists the kit as only fitting the DRZ400E, the kit WILL FIT the DRZ400S, the DRZ400S cylinder head is not machined to accept the manual decompression lever, so it and it’s associated parts are not used, the rest of the kit bolts right in. In this gallery you will find detailed step by step photos and commentary describing how to accomplish this task. This gallery has had photos added that MAKE CLEAR the installation of the kick starter stopper. Thank you “Mark Kanzler” for supplying these photos.

Drz 400 Kick Starter Kit

Hey guys, I am currently in a phase where I overhaul my precious bike. As you can see in an earlier post, I ve installed a new headlight, with the RM fender to follow and perhaps some graphics. Additionally, I am looking into the kickstarter kit for my E, as a backup for the e-start, should it fail me in rather remote areas. Are there any riders here, that have it installed? Whats your experience with it? Also, the S-and SM models are said to need less parts, as they have an auto-decompression built in.

What about the E? Do I need to change the clutch at all?

Thanks for your help! I bought my e second hand, it had the kickstart already on it. I have probably kickstarted the bike about 5 times, but it always works.

I think it auto decomps, and also has a hot start lever that I've never used. It is easy to kick and always surprises me when it actually fires up after one kick. Also it has saved me once, I hadn't done the free power mod and the plug that fails let go.

Drz 400 Kick Starter Install

I had drained my battery and it wasn't charging, I had to disconnect the headlight and tail light to use what little charge was left to get me to civilisation, thank god for the kickstart. Thanks for the advice - I will look into the free power mod. Sounds interesting in theory. As for the fuse - a friend of mine, who maintained MX bikes for years, explained it as follows (kinda makes sense if you think about it): When you kick the bike, the stator provides all th electricity (spark plugs) you need to start the motor.

So even if you have a blown fuse, taht very circuit would not be touched at all. I ama tempted to test that, so once I have the kicker installed, I will take out the fuse and see what happens:) Don t worry though, I have learned my lesson - I always carry a bunch of fuses around now:). I installed the kit two years ago on my E, and a few months later my battery died and I have yet to replace it. The bike kicks over no problem, even if it hasn't ran in a while.

The installation was really easy, just laid the bike on its side and took the case off. I have yet to put on the decomp lever, and haven't really encountered a time when I would have needed it. That being said, I too am overhauling my bike and with the new bars I ordered I'll be putting the lever on. It's always good to get inside the bike and see how things work, plus you'll get a good look at the state of your clutch as well. I actually bought a set of clutch plates when I ordered the kit in case mine was worn I could toss it in.

Drz 400 Supermoto

At the end of the day, no one wants to get stuck somewhere with a dead battery in a tricky spot where pop starting is difficult. Go for it.

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