Convert Exe To Script

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You can use callPS2EXE script from Codeplex project. Below is a quick example of doing this.

Hello, I want to convert/compile/package my powershell scripts to exe file. Is there any free way to do it, and if not what kind of tool can I use to make.

Example: C: Tempecho Invoke-Item 'C: Windows system32 notepad.exe' Invoke-Notepad.ps1 C: Temptype Invoke-Notepad.ps1 Invoke-Item 'C: Windows system32 notepad.exe' C: Temp PS C: Temp. CallPS2EXE.bat '. Invoke-Notepad.ps1' '.

Convert Script To Exe

Invoke-Notepad.exe' -x86 -noconsole PS2EXE; v0.3.0.0 by Ingo Karstein ( You are using PowerShell 3.0. Winexe Reading input file C: Temp Invoke-Notepad.ps1 Compiling file Output file C: Temp Invoke-Notepad.exe written Config file for EXE created. PS C: Temp For more details refer: You are the Knowledge You have;;;;;;;.