Concurrent Program Sql Plus

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Following are the execution methods which are commonly used in Concurrent programs in. As you are running on SQL Plus.

  1. Apa Program Sql

Concurrent Programs Window (User, System Administrator, and Flexfields Help) Concurrent Programs Window Prerequisites. Build the execution file for your concurrent program. Use the Concurrent Program Executables window to define a concurrent program executable for your operating system program. Concurrent Programs Block The combination of application name plus program name uniquely identifies your concurrent program. Program You see this longer, more descriptive name when you view your requests in the Requests window.

Concurrent Programs Window. Your concurrent program is a SQL*Loader program. SQL*Plus: Your concurrent program is a SQL*Plus or PL/SQL script. Concurrent Program - Download as Word. An Oracle Tool such as Oracle Reports or SQL*Plus. Concurrent programs use concurrent program.

If this concurrent program runs through Standard Request Submission, you see this name in the Submit Requests window when you run this program. Short Name Enter a brief name that Oracle Applications can use to associate your concurrent program with a concurrent program executable. Application The program's application determines what ORACLE username your program runs in and where to place the log and output files.

Enabled Indicate whether users should be able to submit requests to run this program and the concurrent managers should be able to run your program. Disabled programs do not show up in users' lists, and do not appear in any concurrent manager queues.

Apa Program Sql

Development of oracle program sql

You cannot delete a concurrent program because its information helps to provide an audit trail. Name Select the concurrent program executable that can run your program. You define the executable using the Concurrent Program Executables window. You can define multiple concurrent programs using the same concurrent program executable. If you define a concurrent program with the bitmapped version of Oracle Reports, you must set the execution option field to 'VERSION=2.0b'. You can also pass ORIENTATION= and PAGESIZE=x parameters to your bitmapped Oracle Reports program.

Units of width and height are set in your Oracle Reports program. There should be no spaces before or after the execution options values.

The parameters should be separated by only a single space. Method The execution method your concurrent program uses appears here. Valid values are: Spawned Your concurrent program is a stand-alone program in C or Pro.C. Host Your concurrent program is written in a script for your operating system.

Immediate Your concurrent program is a subroutine written in C or Pro.C. Immediate programs are linked in with your concurrent manage and must be included in the manager's program library.

Oracle Reports Your concurrent program is an Oracle Reports script. PL/SQL Stored Procedure Your concurrent program is a stored procedure written in PL/SQL. SQL.Loader Your concurrent program is a SQL.Loader program. SQL.Plus Your concurrent program is a SQL.Plus or PL/SQL script.

Request Set Stage Function PL/SQL Stored Function that can be uesd to calculate the completion statuses of request set stages. You can switch between Spawned and Immediate, overriding the execution method defined in the Concurrent Program Executable window, only if either method appears when the executable is selected and both an execution file name and subroutine name have already been specified in the Concurrent Program Executable window. Priority You can assign this program its own priority. The concurrent managers process requests for this program at the priority you assign here.

If you do not assign a priority, the user's profile option Concurrent:Priority sets the request's priority at submission time. Request Type If you want to associate your program with a predefined request type, enter the name of the request type here. The request type can limit which concurrent managers can run your concurrent program. You can define a concurrent manager to run only certain types of concurrent requests. Use in SRS Check this box to indicate that users can submit a request to run this program from a Standard Request Submission window. If you check this box, you must register your program parameters, if any, in the Parameters window accessed from the button at the bottom of this window.

Allow Disabled Values If you check the Use in SRS box, you can also check this box to allow a user to enter disabled or outdated values as parameter values. Many value sets use special table columns that indicate whether a particular value is enabled (using ENABLEDFLAG, STARTDATEACTIVE, and ENDDATEACTIVE columns). These value sets normally allow you to query disabled or outdated values but not enter them in new data.

For Standard Request Submission, this means that a user would not normally be allowed to enter disabled values as report parameter values when submitting a report, even if the report is a query-only type report. Run Alone You can enter any specific incompatible programs in the Incompatible Programs windows. Enable Trace Turns on SQL tracing when program runs.

Restart on System Failure Use this option to indicate that this concurrent program should automatically be restarted when the concurrent manager is restored after a system failure. Output Format Select the output format for your concurrent program from the following:. Text. HTML.

PDF. PS (Post Script) Save Indicate whether to automatically save the output from this program to an operating system file when it is run.

This value becomes the default for all requests submitted for this program. The output of programs with Save set to No is deleted after printing. If this is a Standard Request Submission program, users can override this value from the Submit Requests window. Print If you enter No, your concurrent program's output is never sent to the printer. Best llm programs in the us. Columns / Rows Enter the minimum column and row length for this program's report output.

Oracle Applications uses this information to determine which print styles can accommodate your report. Style The print style you select depends on your system and printer setup. Print styles include:. 132 columns and 66 lines (Landscape).

180 columns and 66 lines (Landwide). 80 columns and 66 lines (Portrait). 132 columns and 62 lines (A4) Your list is limited to those styles that meet your program's columns and row length requirements. Style Required If your program requires a specific print style (for example, a checkwriting report), use this check box to enforce that print style. Printer If you want to restrict your program's output to a single printer, enter the name of the printer to which you want to send your output. If your program has minimum or maximum columns or rows defined, your list of values is limited to those printers that can support your program's requirements. Users cannot override your choice of printer from the Submit Requests or Requests windows.

Choose this button to create another concurrent program using the same executable, request and report information. You can elect to copy the incompatibility and parameter details as well. Incompatibilities Choose this button to open the Incompatible Programs window. Parameters Choose this button to open the Concurrent Program Parameters window. Copy to Window Create another concurrent program using the same executable, request and report information as the current program. You can optionally copy the incompatibility and parameter details information as well. See Also See.