Balderdash Game Sheets

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Balderdash End of the Year Game I was looking for a way to get my students interest in learning the SAT vocabulary (but it could work with any vocabulary). My family always liked playing a game called “Balderdash” which is a real board game from Parker Brothers that has been around since 1984. I made some adjustments to the rules and the kids love it!

The premise is to write the correct definition of a given word on a slip of paper. If you do not know the definition then you try to bluff with a fake definition which is where the hilarity (and creativity) begins! One person is the Dasher, he/she grabs a word at random from the vocabulary cards (you can make them using index cards). Dasher then reads the word aloud and spells it for the other players (this activity works best with groups of.4 to 6 players). They also write the word on a slip of paper with the correct definition. Players then write their name, the word and the definition on a slip of paper and give it to the Dasher.

The Dasher checks to see if anyone got the definition correct. Every correct definition is worth 20 points and that person is finished for that round of play. (Their slip of paper with the correct definition is set aside and not read to the remaining players.

Absolute Balderdash Game Rules. Object of the Game. One player reads out a question to the others. They each write down a made. Person then reads out the REAL. Balderdash score sheet PDF. Balderdash score sheet PDF. If you have got to this page then you probably already know what the game of Balderdash is all about.

Dasher then reads all the definitions (his correct definition and the bluff definitions)to the rest of the players. The Dasher wants to read them all with equal emphasis (this is where they’re acting skills come in). Players then tell the Dasher which definition they think is correct. Scoring (see attached ): 4. If no one chooses the correct definition then Dasher gets 5 bluff points. Anyone that guesses the correct answer (hopefully using what they know about prefixes, suffixes, root words, etc.) gets 10 points. If someone chooses your bluff definition, you get 5 bluff points.

When scoring is complete the correct definition is read and added to the students vocabulary tablet.For groups of 3 players: The Dasher writes the correct definition as well as a bluff definition. Do you have additional ideas that could help teachers? We would love to post them on The Teacher's Corner. Please and let us know about them! Subscription Features include:.

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Balderdash Game Sheets

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Fb chat for samsung wave 525. Object of the Game One player reads out a question to the others. They each write down a made up, but believable answer and hand it to the person who read the question.

This person then reads out the REAL answer and all the made up answers, in random order. The others must guess which is actually correct. You score moves on the board for each player who is conned into believing that your made up answer is the real one, as well as for choosing the real and often unbelievable answer. It sounds simple AND IT IS! Preparing to Play Each player requires a pen or pencil and a Bluffing Sheet (from the pad in the box). Each player writes their name at the top of their Bluffing Sheet. Lay out the board and assemble the spinner through the hole in the centre.

Each player chooses a playing piece and puts it on the START segment on the board. Select the first person to read a card entry (known as The Dasher) by common consent.

Playing the Game For the very first turn of the game the Dasher takes the first question card from the card box and chooses one of the five categories on the dark green question side. He states which category he has chosen and reads the relevant question to the other players who then write it on their Bluffing Sheet. (Make sure no-one can read the answer on the back of the card.) Each player, except the Dasher, then makes up an answer to the question that he thinks will bluff the other players and writes it on his Bluffing Sheet. The answer can be as wacky or as serious as you want. Depending on which category the Dasher has chosen the kinds of answers required are as follows:. WORDS - what is the definition of this word?. PEOPLE - what is this person known for?.

INITIALS - what do they stand for?. MOVIES - what is the basic story line?.

Free Balderdash Game Sheets

LAWS - complete the law! While the other players are writing their answers, the Dasher writes the real answer (found on the light green answer side) in his own words on his Bluffing Sheet, so as to disguise it when he reads it out with the made up answers.

Balderdash Game Sheets Printables

He then returns the card to the rear of the card box. The players hand their completed Bluffing Sheets to the Dasher. The Dasher makes sure that the answers can be read clearly, arranges them with the real one in random order, then reads each one aloud. He can reread the answers as required.

The other players CAN collapse in fits of laughter but MUST NOT give away which is THEIR answer in any way - no shouting 'that's mine', no nudging, winking or grunting! Moving left from the Dasher, each player in turn decides which answer is the real one.

As each player chooses an answer the Dasher writes this player's initials in the score segment on the corresponding Bluffing Sheet. After each player has guessed, the Dasher reveals the right answer and awards points as follows: SCORING. SCORE ONE a player scores one point for every vote their answer receives. SCORE ONE a player scores one point for guessing the correct answer.

SCORE TWO a player scores two points if their Bluff closely resembles the correct answer (this doesn't apply to the Dasher of course). SCORE TWO the Dasher is awarded two points if none of the players choose the correct Absolute Balderdash answer. The Dasher tallies up each player's score.

MOVING The players move their pieces round the board by the number of segments equal to their score. Players ALWAYS move in strict order.

First the Dasher, if he has scored points that turn, next the player to his left, followed by the player to their left and so on until all players have moved. CENTRAL SPINNER If you land on a segment that has a small white arrow beside it (a Spinner Segment), spin the spinner immediately and move the number of spaces indicated (+ =forward, - =back ). If this move lands you on another segment with an arrow ignore it and play the next turn as normal. CONTINUING PLAY After everyone has moved their playing piece and spun the spinner if necessary the player to the Dasher's left becomes the new Dasher. He takes the next card in the box. The Category to be read is determined by which segment the leading player's (or players') playing piece is sitting on at the start of this new turn. If the leading piece is on a?

Segment, the Dasher can choose which of the 5 categories will be used that turn. Now play the turn as described above. Use the same procedure for each subsequent turn. WINNING THE GAME The first player to land on or pass the START/FINISH segment on the board wins.


Although two players may have scored enough to win in the same turn, the player who moves onto or past the START/FINISH segment first, according to the order stated in 'MOVING' above, wins. There are no ties. PLEASE NOTE: ONE CORRECT ANSWER: If the Dasher receives a player's answer that closely resembles the correct answer he must put it aside and not read it out during the turn.

He IMMEDIATELY awards the relevant player TWO points which the player moves BEFORE the other answers are read out. If after moving the playing piece lands on a Spinner Segment, he spins the spinner and moves the number of spaces indicated. (See CENTRAL SPINNER above).

The player then sits out the rest of that turn. MORE THAN ONE CORRECT ANSWER: If the Dasher receives more than one answer that closely resembles the correct answer, the round is cancelled. Each player who submitted a close answer scores 2 points and moves their playing piece forward immediately. If a player's playing piece lands on a Spinner Segment, he spins the spinner and moves the number of spaces indicated.(See CENTRAL SPINNER). The Dasher then begins the turn again, choosing a new card and reading the same category on the new card to the players. THREE / FOUR PLAYER OPTION: When playing with four people or less, one variation of the game is to have the Dasher submit a bluff answer in addition to the real answer.

This gives the Dasher a chance to bluff and score more, as well as creating more answers to choose from. TWO PLAYER OPTION: One player becomes the Dasher, takes three cards from the deck and picks a category to play. The Dasher reads one of the questions aloud from the category chosen.

The three answers from that category are then read aloud from each of the three cards in a random order. The other player must choose which answer he believes to be the right one. If correct the player scores 2 points.

If the guess is incorrect, the Dasher scores 1 point. NB: The Initials category cannot be played with only two people, another must be selected at random by the Dasher.